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NEM Australia


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APS Review


March 2019

nem Australasia Pty Ltd
Leading With Confidence

§ This is a particularly challenging objective. It could be interpreted internally where the SES use nem
methodologies to shape the behaviour performance and self esteem of the diverse members of the APS
whilst giving fearless advice vertically and horizontally inside the APS and to the government of the day.

§ It could also be interpreted as creating an environment of excellence which is a beacon and a leading
example of management and service to the wider community of Australia and internationally.

§ The methodologies are distinctly different and the APS Review management group must state one, or
both, and from that nem in concert with the Review implementers designs a number of approaches
focused on:

a) internal expectations, behaviours and processes, constantly reviewed and changed as required;

b) a different set of processes for Departments whose roles is not so much operational but one of
administration and direction – PM&C, Treasury, Finance, Audit, Attorney generals and the like.

§ Some Departments have elements of the above role as well as operational – Human Services, Health,
ATO, Home Affairs, Defence, Digital Transformation Agency and so on.

Teaching Our Purpose

§ This is a mixture of internal and external education, coursework and guidance in a concerted relationship
between management, human resources and employee representatives.

§ The nem focus on this would blend the APS Code of Conduct and a Department’s role with
chosen suitable Business Practices that can be implemented into the APS tailored to take note
of the shareholder (Government Minister) and the stakeholders (diverse internal and external)

§ nem does not propose that the APS adopt the narrow purpose of serving the shareholders and
the often destructive competitive gladiatorial processes of the corporate world

§ nem’s ability to do this is demonstrable in our high level interaction with Secretaries and SES
officers, in our education and information exchange programme and our prescient
forewarning to Departments of external forces moving too damage the Minister or the APS

§ nem is currently contributing to the Pacific Infrastructure initiative under DFAT’s remit

Regulating With Our Role In Mind

§ The APS, and in particular its enforcement agencies, are grappling with the outworking's of Royal
Commissions, expanded enforcement and increasing work loads.

§ The challenge is also for the APS to understand how the digital age works, not merely as software, but
also in changing the nature of tradition.

§ What is a monopoly and market power when the platforms use algorithms and business models that are
non traditional?

§ How does the APS deal with a company that gives free access to people whilst also selling services and
dominating markets

§ Into this reality comes national security concerns.

§ The workshops that nem proposes would deal with the above and are aimed at developing the lateral
thinking and awareness of the APS and a methodology to garner external assistance from the private

Focusing Effort Day-to-day nem’s Enhanced Management Framework (EMF)
§ An integrated management model that includes agency & whole of government processes & key
practices designed to ensure that foundation activities (normal everyday business) and one off projects
fully meet the needs of the agency’s business functions & other policy directives they are intended to
support, deliver all expected benefits, on time, on budget and within scope, and capturing unexpected

A real time data & measurement system

Outcome Management
§ Outcome Management within the methodology are the agency methods, processes, tools & techniques
for planning, selecting, managing & realising results & benefits.

Project Load, Deliverables, Measurement and Finalisation Reporting

Focusing Effort Day-to-day

What outcomes are measured and managed?

§ An outcome is stated to be a benefit or not. A activity undertaken to meet a government directive,
operational need or to solve a problem

§ Outcomes are final results & the benefits milestones are tracked via a real time system

§ Outcome Management is focused on the outcomes or results side of an initiative or programme

§ nem’s Outcome Management methodology incorporates agency project and risk management
techniques and these can be refined through collaboration & what the information system tells us in
terms of remedial actions prioritised.

§ nem’s Outcome Management is an evolving real time process where learning is applied across the
Department and the APS

§ Cost benefit analysis is incorporated in nem’s Outcome Management

§ Outcome Management links to existing tools or other sources of performance indicators both human and
technological (systems) within the APS

Outcome Management versus

Project Management
Project Management Outcome Management

Focus Manage costs, inputs, schedule, resources, Measures & manages ongoing outcomes,
deliverables. benefits, results & portfolio

Deliverables Work books, charts, schedules, work plan, Outcomes monitoring, value cases, value
costs, estimates, progress reports, milestones, assessments, Dashboard, governance
issues, earned value, PERT charts. reports, ongoing/end measured against
Government directives.

Measures of On-time, on-budget, delivery of system or Compliance, promised results, expectations,
Success process under risk management. maximised the value of agency portfolio &

Processes Project initiation, project monitoring, project Human & Technological (Dashboard),
fulfillment. compliance & remedial action.

Project Is accountable to the Departmental sponsor Facilitates the value case, ensures that the
for deliverables. initiatives benefits are achieved through real
time monitoring of tangibles & intangibles.
Is accountable to the Programme Manager
for execution.

Timeline From project planning to implementation. Planning, implementation, results.

Structuring for Change

Challenge Outcome Management

  1. Strategic alignment with outcomes in § Focused on realising benefits.
    a business driven model that can
    § Identifies activities & remedial actions that contribute to

accommodate a policy driven model or
§ Complements and extends a standard cost-benefit analysis
approach to managing.
2. Flexibility: § Can be used at the project, portfolio, programme and
initiative levels.
§ To go beyond project management
§ Supports complex horizontal & vertical activities that require
§ To utilise digital transformation multiple stakeholders across APS jurisdictions.
§ That is matrixed rather than horizontal § Provides information to make adjustments and/or
§ to prioritise projects & portfolios. prioritisations at both the portfolio & initiative levels through
the Dashboard.
3. Clear accountability. § Comprehensive understanding by all as to how outcomes will
be realised and recognised, quantified. Accountability is
assigned through the Dashboard.
4. Ongoing and end evaluations of § nem methodology & dashboard monitors outcomes &
tangibles & intangibles. indicators throughout all stages of the Outcome Management
§ Provides a process for strong identification & qualification of
both tangible and intangible outcomes & benefits. It allows a
broadening of expected value.
Structuring for Change

Financial: Non-Financial:
• Decreased cost of operations. § Service levels.

• Increased economic development § Decreased time to complete a process or
in target locations. transaction.

• Maintained programme. § Compliance with policy, agency & APS regulations,
COAG & such.
• Decreased risks.
§ Privacy.
• Decreased losses.
§ Stakeholder & client satisfaction.

§ Stakeholder & client wait time.

§ Environmental.

§ Community quality of life & social benefits.

§ Agency reputation.

Progressively Implementing

the Review

Dashboard Key Activities nem Workshop & Processes

Define Outcome Management in § nem Methodology workshop.
Dashboard. § ensure readiness.
§ define alignments & risks.

Develop Outcome Management § Create external push/pull data.
Realisation Screen and Parameters § Define milestone outcomes to be measured.
§ Activate Dashboard Logic Model & Outcomes Map.
Develop Outcome Management § Detail outcomes and risks to be tracked.
Realisation Plan against which § Identify outcome owners – accountabilities.
everything is measured & managed.
§ Establish outcome metrics and timeframes.
§ Define reporting process ex Dashboard.
Monitor delivery & activity through § Enact outcome monitoring & reporting process.
approved access & modification, § Implement outcomes, risks tools & methods.
broadcast required actions.
§ Prepare outcome realisation progress reports for SES/Minister.
§ Communicate progress regularly.

Outcomes milestone reports. § Reinvest as necessary in outcomes master realisation plan.
§ Identify opportunities to increase outcome performance levels.
§ Communicate & publish success.